Friday, January 7, 2011

The memories~

I'm looking back at everything that has ever happened to you and me~ my friends , my family .
I just can't seem to forget some parts of my life~
I'm sorry i went trough all my past blog posts~ and yours ~ and yours and yours~
All the post with '':('' really make me feel dou , 失败~
I feel like i failed to make you happy ><
Then i saw ~ 我不配~ i know it's a very long time ago but~ >.< now only i see~
I still remember 十月 is one of our month , full of stress , you got exam , i got exam , i got SPM~
Maybe that time , we think too much right , I always think too much :X
but but , this words~ 我不配~

My studies good ?
My homework all done ?
I got talent ?
My voice nice to hear ?
I think all this wrong~  In my class , i'm the worst student~ Everything i don't know~
homework all i never pass up >.<  All this change already after 30th July~ I do good student . I pass up homework . I try to learn everything , because she give me strength~ :')
My voice leh~ not so good mar~ if compare to other people , my one like shit gam yong .
你帮忙改善我的华文, 我和你说话的时候 ,我有很的感觉啊~
JASMINE 和她朋友们都笑我说华语有怪怪的 :X

But that is why , We together help each other~ Up there is PLUM TREE . 
虽然那树看的不稳固,如果照顾好好 ,会永远在那边稳固的立场~ :)

Arh~ i don't know all this correct or not DX

Anyway , what i want to say is , without you there is no me , Without me there is no you ~
We need each other to grow ~ You're the plum, I'm the tree~ And together , we grow together :)
If zhao gu hao hao , with love and care~ nothing will ever stop the tree from growing :)
I love you :) Never ever say , 不配~ 我们注定要在一起~ <3